Skin formations – fibroma, seborrheic and viral warts, condyloma, etc.


The majority of people suffer from the occurrence of warts in a given period of their lives. They affect both sexes equally. Although they do not pose a risk to health, rather being a cosmetic defect, they are a problem very hard to remove, easily transferred to other body parts and can cause pain from motions in certain areas. At Derma-Act we treat warts with an innovative laser technology, which guarantees permanent elimination, without pain and scars.


What are warts?

They are flat or elevated benign lesions on skin caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). The strains accountable for warts are low-risk (i.e., they are not oncogenic) and the most common are HPV-1, HPV-2, HPV-3, HPV-4, HPV-7 and HPV-10,26-29; 41 and others. Warts are highly contagious, easily increase in number, and are transferred by contact from one body part to another.

With the innovative technology of our CO2 laser Quanta Youlaser MT we can eliminate them painlessly and effectively, without leaving scars, with a minimal number of visits thanks to our precise settings which are applicable to different skin formations.

Types of warts

Typical warts (Verruca Vulgaris)

They are found mainly on fingers, palms, under the nail plate. However, they may appear also on the face, eyelids, knees, and elbows. Their typical appearance is a small rounded bulge with the same color as theskin and a rough hyperkeratotic surface.

Plantar warts (Verruca Plantaris)

They are located on the feet, the lower and lateral surfaces between the toes. They cause discomfort and pain when walking. They are likely to grow into the skin. Externally, they are a calloused surface on the skin with a tendency to grow both to the surface and in depth.

Flat warts (Verruca Plana)

They are found mainly on the face, arms and lower parts of the legs. They are very typical in children and adolescents. They are flat lumps with the same color as the skin or red colour and a smooth surface, with a very fast distribution.


The diagnosis is established after an outpatient examination, and the localization and medical history point to a diagnosis. Warts may in rare cases be subject to self-healing. Selection of treatment – it depends on the depth of the lesion, the integrity of surrounding the skin and accompanying complaints.

We can administer treatment with liquid nitrogen, curettage or laser therapy – CO2 laser. Our aim is to directly burn lesions and hyperkeratotic skin with a minimal recovery period and discomfort for the patient. As needed, we also give advice for home keratolytic and antiviral therapy under the surveillance of a specialist.

We schedule prophylactic examinations in the next months to manage recurrences. With a thorough and systemic monitoring at Derma-Act, we remove warts and their recurrences permanently.

Other formations subjects to similar therapy

Acute condylomas (Condylomata acuminata)

Infections of papillomaviruses on the mucosa of genital organs. They are vegetations with a surface typically comparable to cauliflower. They are typical for adulthood and are often sexually transmitted. They are small red nodes that grow in number and size, with a trend to easily ulcerate their surfaces.


They are characterized by slow growth, well separated from surrounding skin and witha pale pink color similar to healthy skin. They can have soft or solid consistency. Solid fibromas usually have a large contact surface, while soft fibromas are attached by a “pedicle”. They often spread to the neck, armpits, chest, under the mammary glands or belly, onsites subject to chronic friction. It is believed that HPV-2, insulin resistance, high triglycerides as well as hormonal stimulation – fast spread during pregnancy, play a part in their occurrence.

Seborrheic keratoses, senile warts (verruca seborrhoica)

They originate from keratinocytes. It is believed that the triggering factor is exposure to sun radiation. At the beginning, they manifest as small, limited light yellow flat papules. Over time, they increase to 1-3 changing their color to brown or even black. Due to the retention of keratinocytes in epithelial crypts, comedo-like black plugs are formed. To the touch, they have a rough surface and sometimes also a crumbly surface. There are usually multiple, located on the body and the face. In case of occurrence of a new formation, fast growth or a change in the shape, size or color of older formations, you should schedule a planned prophylactic consultation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is likely to have warts? Warts are a very common skin condition that is caused by strains of HPV virus. They can be transmitted at any age, mostly in school-age children. People with a weakened immune system are also at a high risk of the occurrence of warts.
They are transmitted by skin contact, especially when the skin is wet or damaged. One of the most common ways of transmission is a contact of damaged skin with contaminated surfaces in swimming pools and gyms.
Wash your hands frequently; Replace your socks daily if a wart is present on your foot; Cover the wart with water-proof gauze when bathing or swimming in a pool; Take care not to damage the wart when shaving, if the wart is present on your face.
Do not share your towel, socks or shoes; Do not bite your nails or fingers; Do not walk barefoot in public places; Do not scratch, pick or press warts.
It is possible in people with a good immunity. Nevertheless, a visit to a dermatologist and monitoring of lesions is recommended due to their fast spread.
In comparison with the most traditional methods of curettage and cryocoagulation, treatment of warts with laser is painless and effective, and no scars remain. It is the safest, most effective method since the laser acts targetedly on lesions, without affecting the surrounding skin.
The only recommendation is to apply recovering cream for a few days for faster healing in the area.

Before and After



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