Restylane® Fillers
Facial aging involves structural changes, both superficial and deep. They affect bone structures, fat deposits, supporting ligaments and the skin itself. As part of aging, bones change, bone resorption and rotation occur, resulting in a change in the support of the overlying soft tissues.
Another important change concerns the so-called connective tissue support system of the face – the ligamentous structures. These are located in different parts of the face in order to maintain the integrity of the soft tissues and the face. With aging, they relax, leading to redistribution of fat.
In each patient, the aging process proceeds individually, according to age, genetics, gender and lifestyle. For this reason, a consultation is carried out before each procedure, during which the possible options for treating the problems of aging are discussed.
One of the most popular anti-aging treatments is the application of hyaluronic fillers. They are used to correct the contour of the face, restore lost volume, correct asymmetry, and correct hyperactive facial expressions in some areas.
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What are Restylane® dermal fillers?
The world-famous pharmaceutical giant Galderma, specialized in production and innovation in the field of aesthetics and dermatology, created in 1996 the world’s first stabilized hyaluronic filler of non-animal origin, Restylane®. In 2004, they created another innovation – the first product of its kind to improve skin quality and hydration, Restylane® Skinboosters.
Fillers from the Restylane® portfolio fall into two separate categories according to their production technology.
NASHA technology
The first technology is NASHA (non-animal stabilized hyaluronic acid). A characteristic of NASHA technology is that it creates fillers with a high tissue-lifting capacity, which do not create large volumes and remain in the place where they are placed without integrating into the tissue.
The products based on this technology are:
Restylane Lyft – a filler with the highest lifting capacity on the market compared to other brands. It is extremely suitable for the denser and better quality skins, with more relaxation of the soft tissues, where we aim to lift the tissues without creating volume. It can be used to contour the oval of the face by applying it to the cheekbones, nose and lower contour, for emphasis and more precision and projection.
Restylane Lidocaine – this filler is suitable for placing in the area of the nasolabial folds and for more precise contouring of the lips.
Restylane Eyelight – a filler specially created for the delicate area under the eyes, to fill in hollows without creating excess volume. Very suitable as the NASHA technology prevents it from attracting water and causing puffiness and swelling.
OBT technology
The second technology is OBT (optimal balance technology). This technology was developed in 2011 and can be applied to patients with thinner skin or with more advanced signs of aging due to the softer and finer texture of the fillers.
The fillers from the OBT technology are very suitable for the so-called hyperdynamic areas on the face, since they have the property of integrating into the tissue and becoming part of it, which allows the preservation of natural facial expressions and movements, as in the area of the lips, the area around the lips, nasolabial folds, marionette folds. Fillers from OBT technology can also be used in areas of the face that lose a lot of volume over the years – the temples, the area in front of the ear and the front of the cheeks, as it has a fine and soft density, does not weigh down the tissue and allows a smooth transition of the oval on the face.
Restylane Defyne – the densest of the OBT fillers. It is used to shape the middle part of the face, cheekbones, chin, nasolabial folds, marionette folds, the fold between the lips and the chin. It is used for better definition of the specified areas and for their softer filling.
Restylane Volyme – this is the most voluminous of the Restylane fillers. It is used in areas where a large volume loss is noticeable, such as the temples, the area in front of the ear and the front of the cheeks
Restylane Kysse – a filler that is used to shape, volumize the lips and create an expressive contour. Due to the good integration into the tissue of the lips, the presence of the substance is not felt in the lips.
Restylane Refyne – the finest and softest product in the Restylane range – suitable for filling fine lines and wrinkles, the so-called accordion lines, barcode or “smoker’s lines”. Suitable for placement in lips that have a thinner and finer mucous membrane.
Can NASHA and OBT fillers be combined?
Galderma developed the AART™ (Anatomy, Assessment, Range and Treatment) methodology to create individualized treatments. These treatments are built on patients’ underlying anatomy, a thorough facial assessment and product selection, combined with appropriate injection skills:
- Face assessment
- Anatomical features of aging in the individual patient
- The right products and techniques that can be used
- Holistic individualized treatment of the patient
The AART method allows combining the two complementary technologies NASHA and OBT to achieve natural and good results when possible. This is assessed by the dermatologist during the pre-procedure consultation.
Can hyaluronic fillers be contraindicated to some people?
There are people who are not suitable for treatment with hyaluronic fillers. If the patient meets any of the following criteria, they are unfortunately not suitable for the procedure:
- Be under 18 years old.
- Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Have a history of an autoimmune disease or are currently receiving immune therapy.
- People who are prone to developing hypertrophic scars
- People who have hypersensitivity to hyaluronic acid
- The area they wish to treat is currently injured, inflamed or infected.