Scars appear as a result of inflammatory skin diseases (most often acne) or after breaking the skin integrity with injuries, burns, surgical interventions or other damages. In the cases of simultaneous injury of the epidermis and dermis (the deep-set skin layer) wounds heal forming a scar. At the Derma-Act clinics, we effectively deal with the elimination of scars using CO2 fractional ablative laser, RF Fractora microneedling, Genesis laser, injecting amino acids, collagen stimulator and other innovative therapies administered separately or combined.


Types of acne scars

Acne is a common inflammatory disease of the hair-fatty follicle affecting mainly the skin on face, back and chest. In its occurrence, a number of factors – genetic predisposition, hormonal stimulation of fatty glands with an increase of secretion, etc., play a role. In the cases of acne, different changes to the skin – open or closed comedones (“black dots”) as well as superficial or deep inflammatory changes – purulent or painful red lesions, can be observed.

As a result of the developed inflammation of the dermis, different changes in the structure and color of the affected region can occur in the process of healing. Generally, acne scars can be divided into atrophic and hypertrophic scars.

Atrophic scars are skin depressions caused by the loss of collagen. Typically, they are found under or at the level of the skin and result from trauma, surgical interventions, inflammatory diseases (such as cystic acne, chicken pox, etc.) or are caused by burns or frostbite.

Hypertrophic scars are characterized by the formation of an excessive amount of collagen, in which a scar grows in all directions. It elevates above the level of skin and remains red.

Elimination of acne scars with combined therapy

The occurrence of acne scars can be prevented by early and proper treatment as well as proper daily skincare following the prescriptions of our dermatologists.

Even in cases of already existing scars, different procedures which can eliminate them if administered in isolation or combined, are available. At the Derma-Act dermatological clinics, the approach to each patient is individual and aims to:

Be minimally invasive

Ensure the desired effect

without affecting surrounding tissues

Reduce the sensation of pain and discomfort

Shorten the recovery period

Decrease the risk of side effects and hyperpigmentation

Treatment of acne scars

Quanta Youlaser MT

Πρόκειται για ένα καινοτόμο laser διοξειδίου του άνθρακα, υψηλής τεχνολογίας και μεγάλης αποτελεσματικότητας. Αντιμετωπίζει δραστικά βλάβες στις ανώτερες στιβάδες του δέρματος. Λειτουργεί με επιλεκτική φωτοθερμόλυση, ενώ διακρίνεται για την εξαιρετική του ακρίβεια. Εκπέμπει μια δέσμη φωτός υψηλής έντασης, η οποία εστιάζει σε μια πολύ μικρή περιοχή του δέρματος, στοχεύοντας έτσι μόνο στις πάσχουσες περιοχές, χωρίς να επηρεάζονται οι περιβάλλοντες ιστοί. Κατά αυτόν τον τρόπο μειώνεται η πιθανότητα σχηματισμού ουλών.

Κατά τη διάρκεια της εφαρμογής του laser Quanta Youlaser, η δέσμη φωτός υψηλής έντασης φτάνει τόσο στις επιφανειακές όσο και στις βαθύτερες στιβάδες του δέρματος. After the manipulation, a small superficial wound (erosion) remains. In the next 2-5 days, a scab which falls off after 7-10 days is formed. In this period, the skin should be kept clean and dry. A sensation of heat may be felt on the treated skin, similar to sunburn or exposure to strong wind.

Benefits of the treatment of scars with Quanta Youlaser laser:

  • An innovative approach to the treatment of acne scars;
  • An optimal result with a minimal number of sessions;
  • Safe treatment for all types of skin;
  • Είναι αναίμακτη
  • Αντιμετωπίζει μεγάλο φάσμα δερματικών παθήσεων
  • Elimination of hyperpigmented acneic lesions;
  • Does not cause postinflammatory hyperpigmentation;
  • Improves skin texture;
  • Does not affect surrounding tissues.

Combined therapies

For the effective treatment of acne scars, we recommend combining:

RF fractional microneedling with Magellan TRU PRP

Fractora is a fractional system for resurfacing and coagulation of the dermal layer of skin. With it, radio frequency microneedling – a combined therapy using the mechanical stimulation of microneedling and thermal effect of radio frequency waves, is performed. As a result, the skin is tightened, its density and elasticity are improved, fine lines are filled and skin defects are obliterated.

For an optimal result, the treatment may be combined with Magellan PRP – one of the most precise rejuvenation procedures. Magellan PRP makes skin tighter, dense and elastic, evens the complexion out and reduces fine lines and unwanted skin pigmentation.
In comparison to regular plasmotherapy, the Magellan PRP procedure provides up to 10 thousand times higher platelet concentration.


Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive instrumental procedure that uses mechanical exfoliation with fine diamond heads, abrasive crystals and vacuum to remove the superficial epidermal layer of skin.

The procedure assists in:

  • the removal of the superficial epidermal layer;
  • the improvement of tissue structure and skin appearance;
  • the obliteration of signs of aging;
  • the contraction of dilated pores;
  • the treatment of coarse and injured skin.

Deep hydration with Restylane skin boosters

Restylane Skinboosters (Vital & Vital Light) are designed to rejuvenate, tighten and deeply hydrate skin. They improve its elasticity and density and prevent its early aging. The effect is achieved by injecting partially stabilized hyaluronic acid – a product proven to recover skin hydration and density and guarantees its overall fresh appearance, in the superficial skin layers.


Είναι μια μη επεμβατική θεραπεία προσώπου, που πραγματοποιείται μέσω μηχανικής απολέπισης με λεπτές κεφαλές διαμαντιού -μικροκρυστάλλους λείανσης- για την αφαίρεση της επιφανειακής στιβάδας του δέρματος.

Η θεραπεία βοηθά:

  • στην αφαίρεση της εξωτερικής στιβάδας του δέρματος
  • στη βελτίωση της δομής των ιστών και στην εμφάνιση του δέρματος
  • στην ελάττωση των σημαδιών γήρανσης
  • στη συρρίκνωση των διεσταλμένων πόρων
  • στη θεραπεία του κατεστραμμένου δέρματος

Βαθιά ενυδάτωση με Restylane Skinboosters

Τα Restylane Skinboosters (Vital & Vital Light) αναζωογονούν, συσφίγγουν και ενυδατώνουν σε βάθος την επιδερμίδα., βελτιώνουν την ελαστικότητα και την πυκνότητά της και αποτρέπουν την πρόωρη γήρανση. Αυτό επιτυγχάνεται με την έγχυση υαλουρονικού οξέος στα επιφανειακά στρώματα του δέρματος, διεγείροντας έτσι παράλληλα την παραγωγή κολλαγόνου και ελαστίνης.


Frequently Asked Questions

The reasons are not fully known. It is believed that some people are simply more susceptible to the formation of acne scars. This is a possible result of genetic predisposition or inadequately treated acneic lesions.
The only way to prevent the occurrence of acne scars is to treat acne as soon as possible before it worsens and causes serious injuries and inflammation. It is also important not to "irritate" acne with your fingers and nails since by doing this you create prerequisites for the formation of scars.
Since in the majority of cases acne leads to formation of scars, we generally recommend that you consult a specialised dermatologist at the very beginning of the process. If the acne scars are already present, you should proceed in an informed manner and choose the optimal option for treatment depending on the shape of the scars and the size of the problem after a consultation with a dermatologist.
It is among the newest technologies for treatment of acne scars. It effectively treats both the superficial and deeper scars. It can be administered throughout the entire year, even in hot months, without causing skin desquamation and without a risk of hyperpigmentation.
Acne scars do not disappear at once. The period of their healing is different depending on their depth and shape. Thanks to the implementation of innovative laser technologies in the recent years, treatment shows great results after the very first session.

Before and After



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