Unwanted hair growth – Laser hair removal

Get rid of unwanted hair growth once and for all. Laser hair removal is a quick and easy way to achieve the desired effect, applicable to all types and colours of skin and with visible results after the very first procedure.


Laser hair removal with Elite+™

At the Derma-Act clinics laser hair removal is performed by experienced medical staff under the surveillance of a dermatologist. The laser system used in Elite+™ which combines two separate lasers:

Alexandrite laser (755 nm) – proven effective in the phototypes I, II, III and IV of skin. Clinical studies show a 79% reduction of unwanted hair growth after only 3 procedures. Alexandrite laser is also used in the treatment of pigmented lesions due to the high absorption of melanin.

Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm) – an excellent choice for removal of unwanted hair growth in darker skin – the phototypes V and VI and even suntanned skin. It is also applicable for treatment of blood vessels on face and legs as well as redness and unwanted pigmentation on the face.

Benefits of laser hair removal with Elite+™

Applicable to all types and colours of hair growth

With excellent results both in the areas with permanent and highly emphasized hair growth and the areas with very thin and fine hair.

Proven effect in all types and colours of skin

(from I to VI on the Fitzpatrick scale)

With extremely favourable results

Even in the hard to reach body parts (such as ears, for instance)

Applicable in all seasons

Including the summer months, provided that the skin has not been exposed to sunlight in the past weeks

Laser hair removal for men

Recently, laser hair removal has become increasingly popular among men The number of men who choose laser hair removal for permanent removal of unwanted hair growth on the face and body increases progressively and the most popular areas are chest, back, belly, neck and glabella.

The greatest benefit of laser hair removal is the durability of the results:
There is no need for shaving or using another method for temporary hair removal in the treated areas. Another great benefit is that men stop encountering problems such as bursitis (hair growing inwards) – a very common problem in both the area of the torso and the face area. Not least, the reduction of hair growth on body has a positive effect on perspiration and smell, and thus to the patient’s personal self-confidence as well.

Laser hair removal is a medical practice

At the Derma-Act clinics, our aim is to achieve the best result quickly, painlessly and absolutely safely. For this reason:

  • The procedures of hair removal are administered follwoing strict medical protocols;
  • Our experienced medical team is specifically trained in the use of modern dermatological lasers.

Before a procedure with Alexandrite laser and ND: YAG laser in Derma-Act, we do the following:

  • Record past medical history;
  • Test the procedure on a small spot of your skin to ensure that it is suitable for laser hair removal;
  • Perform an examination, in which we identify the features of hair growth;
  • Perform a thorough dermatological examination to detect presence of follicular nevi, vascular or skin lesions on the skin;
  • Test sensitive areas to rule out the presence of viral infections or venereal diseases (if hair removal involves the genital area).

Preparation before the first procedure of laser hair removal

  • Shave the area of depilation within one or two days before procedure. On the day of laser hair removal, the hair on the surface of skin should be 2-3 mm long.
  • Avoid the performance of chemical peeling, laser procedures, dermabrasion or other treatments in the area of depilation within at least 4 weeks before the laser hair removal.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight or any method of artificial tanning within 2 to 4 weeks before laser hair removal.
  • Do not use products that may contain colour or fragrance in the area of depilation before the procedure.
  • Do not use waxing on the area to be treated within at least 4 to 6 weeks before laser hair removal. Any method of hair removal that may inhibit the formation of hair follicle and disorder its growth cycle or affect hte efficacy of laser hair removal must be completely avoided.


Frequently Asked Questions

Laser hair removal with the combined technology of Elite™ is painless. It is a non-invasive medical procedure that is administered on the skin surface and consequently does not cause pain or injury. During treatment, only a mild momentary discomfort may be present.
The recommended interval between sessions is usually between 4 and 10 weeks depending on the anatomical area and the change in the rate of hair growth. With the increase of procedure number, the interval between visits is gradually increased.

Ο αριθμός των συνεδριών που απαιτούνται για να επιτευχθεί ένα βέλτιστο αποτέλεσμα εξαρτάται από την περιοχή, την ποιότητα των τριχών και κάποιους δευτερεύοντες παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν τον φυσιολογικό κύκλο ανάπτυξης της τρίχας, όπως η ηλικία, ορμονικοί παράγοντες, το βάρος, η λήψη φαρμάκων, ο μεταβολισμός, η κληρονομικότητα και ορισμένες παθολογικές καταστάσεις. Συνήθως χρειάζονται 6-8 συνεδρίες.

The hair life cycle consists of 3 repeating phases. The phase of growth (regeneration), the phase of rest (degeneration) and the phase of apoptosis. During laser hair removal, only hair that is in the phase of growth will be permanently removed, since at that time the hair follicle has a higher melanin concentration and correspondingly laser energy is better absorbed. The rest of the hair grows again; hence, secondary sessions are required until the laser reaches all the hair at the stage of its life cycle which is appropriate for permanent removal.

Usually, hereditary predisposition or hormonal imbalance are responsible for excessive hair growth. During periods of normal biological changes in women such as adolescence, pregnancy, menopause or old age, an increase of hair growth in the areas which did not have hair previously, is noted. Hair growth may also be affected by other factors associated with obesity, stress or intake of certain drugs.
On the day of the procedure, the hair on the skin surface should be 2-3 mm long and for this reason, it should be shaved several days previously. Otherwise, the correct determination of the hair quality and quantity will be difficult. The use of other methods of hair removal within 4-6 weeks before any procedure is not allowed.
Procedures may take ten minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the size of the area to be treated.

Before and After



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