You, at your best with Derma-Act

You, at your best with Derma-Act and the three top body contouring and firming packages. Choose between the packages Clear, Shape or Smooth, and our experienced specialists will take care of the rest. The offer is valid till 30.06.2023. Book your appointment 231 600 1212

Package Clear

    • Anti-cellulite mesotherapy
    • Lymphatic drainage x2

Anti-cellulite mesotherapy is an injectable procedure against cellulite, which also has an effect on the loose skin in the area with cellulite. A biorevitalizing product is used, specially developed to smooth out irregularities on the dermal surface. The procedure is applied only by doctors in appropriate aseptic conditions in a clinical setting, on disinfected skin. The lipolizing solution used for the procedure is a resorbable implant containing non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, L-carnitine, caffeine, trace elements, saponins and flavonoids. By injecting these ingredients in the targeted area, the surface of the skin becomes smoother, as well as the volume of the local fat deposits is reduced.

The anti-cellulite mesotherapy combines very well with subsequent pressotherapy. The procedure is performed with BTL Lyphastim and it aims to exert gentle pressure on the peripheral veins, which improves blood circulation, reduces venous and lymphatic stasis, removes swelling and heaviness in the hands and supports skin trophicity, improving its appearance.

For optimal results perform these procedures between 4 to 6 times and afterwards maintain the results 1-3 times a year.

Package Shape

    • Slimming procedure, localised fat reduction with Onda Plus x2
    • Slimming procedure, localized fat reduction with Onda Plus x2
    • Tightening and contouring procedure with EvolveX x2

Onda Plus is a non-invasive device, which with the help of microwaves, targets fat cells on a deep subdermal level and reduces fat deposits in a safe, effective and non-invasive way. Thanks to its patented Coolwaves technology, the device works in three directions: destroys subdermal fat deposits, reduces cellulite and tightens the skin.

Onda Plus is a non-invasive device, which with the help of microwaves, targets fat cells on a deep subdermal level and reduces fat deposits in a safe, effective and non-invasive way. Thanks to its patented Coolwaves technology, the device works in three directions: destroys subdermal fat deposits, reduces cellulite and tightens the skin. The procedure perfectly combines with the tightening and toning effect from Evolve X. Evolve X is a non-invasive device that combines the action of radio frequency energy and dynamic muscle contraction. Radio frequency energy heats the tissues in depth and thus melts the fatty tissue, tightens the skin and improves its appearance. Electro-muscular stimulation leads to an increase in muscle tone and emphasis on the relief of the muscles. As a result, the skin tightens, fat and cellulite decrease, and muscle tone increases.

For optimal results perform these procedures between 3-4 times, performed 1 month apart.

Package Smooth

    • Slimming procedure, localised fat reduction with Onda Plus x2
    • Body massage for localised fat reduction and cellulite x2

Onda Plus is a non-invasive device, which with the help of microwaves, targets fat cells on a deep subdermal level and reduces fat deposits in a safe, effective and non-invasive way. Thanks to its patented Coolwaves technology, the device works in three directions: destroys subdermal fat deposits, reduces cellulite and tightens the skin.

For an instant wow effect we combine the procedure with a draining and decongestant massage. The purpose of the treatment is to stimulate the circulation and help give a sensation of lightness. For optimal results perform these procedures between 3-4 times, performed 1 month apart.